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Inspired by provocative British sci-fi television series “Black Mirror”, the collection examines the modern consequences of heavy reliance of technology and addiction to social media, in a sarcastic but light-hearted tone.
People nowadays are so deeply obsessed with the virtual social world that they lose focus on reality.
The “like” culture also pressures people to share only the glamorous sides of their lives, and some would even go so far as fabrication.
In the end, they gain attention and anxiousness, but loses freedom and happiness.
途中症狀:#虛假的真實 #焦慮沮喪 #盲目崇拜 #人際疏離 #想離開卻無法抽離 #你不是真正地快樂
系列概念源自英國科幻影集《黑鏡Black Mirror》,〈#INSTASAD〉傳達人們對虛擬社群的過度著迷,以致失去對現實世界的關心,按讚(Like)文化使人們傾向只分享生活中迷人的一面,又或者盲目崇拜著現實生活中從未謀面的他者。世人透過分享滿足被認可的欲望,既想獲得關注和認同,卻又害怕被忽略或傷害,分享的初衷變質為強大的無形壓力,最終形成兩難:
本季以輕鬆詼諧的視角將離不開科技產品和社群媒體成癮的反思融入單品中,結合象徵「封鎖、屏蔽」的透氣網眼布、旅行織帶、隨身配件或相異圖紋 x 社群媒體印花字樣表現「社群中毒症候群」的迷失現象。